
Cape Dwarf Gecko

(Lygodactylus capensis)


The Cape dwarf gecko (Lygodactylus capensis) is a small species of gecko native to Southeastern Africa. This species exhibits a range of colors from brown and grey to green, often with a lighter underside. It often has a pale line that starts from behind the eyes and continues down along the flanks of its body. Its small size, typically reaching only about 3.9 to 4.3 cm (1.5-1.7 in) from head to to vent, makes it one of the smallest geckos in its region. Distinguishing it from similar species, like the angulated dwarf gecko (Lygodactylus angularis) can be challenging, but the Cape dwarf gecko usually has a smoother skin texture and a less angular head shape. Except from the very northern parts of its range, the Cape dwarf gecko does not overlap with the angulated dwarf gecko.

Diet & habitat

Cape dwarf geckos thrive in a variety of habitats, including savannas, forests, and scrublands. They are particularly adept at living in close association with humans, often found in gardens and on buildings. Their diet mainly consists of small insects like ants and moths. They are active hunters, primarily during the day, using their agility and quick movements to catch prey. Their long, sticky tongues are perfect for snatching up small insects in a flash.


The breeding season for Cape dwarf geckos typically occurs during the warmer months. They are oviparous, meaning they lay eggs. Females lay clutches of 1-2 eggs, often in protected environments like under bark or rocks. The incubation period is relatively short, and hatchlings are independent from birth. The exact duration of the incubation period can vary but generally lasts a few weeks.


The Cape dwarf gecko is relatively widespread and common within its range. It is listed as least concern on the IUCN Red List.

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