
Southern Giraffe

(Giraffa giraffa)


The southern giraffe (Giraffa giraffa) is one of the world’s tallest land animals, with males reaching 5.5 m (18 ft). Females are shorter, reaching 4.5 meters. Southern giraffes are only slightly shorter than the Masai giraffe (Giraffa tippelskirchi), the largest the giraffe species. An average male weighs 1,200 kg (2,640 lb.) and a female 830 kg (1826 lb). Giraffes are easily recognized by having long necks reaching as much as 2 m (6ft 7 in) in length. This allows them to forage on treetops and taller branches few other animals can reach. They also have good eyesight, and a sharp sense of hearing and smell.


The giraffe was recently split into four species, with the southern giraffe being the southernmost species. This split is still not recognized by all authorities. All giraffes have big brown blotches on a light background, but the coat of southern giraffe differs from other giraffe species. The blotches are large, with hard edges, but not as square as on the reticulated giraffe (Giraffa reticulata). The light background is a slightly darker tan on average than other species. The darkness of the blotches differs between individuals, and dark brown to almost black blotches are most often found on older males. Some individuals are also unusually pale to almost white, which is a genetic trait for absence of pigment, and is not albinism.

Feeding & drinking

When feeding, giraffes use an up to 50 cm (20 in) long and dark blue tongue, as well as a prehensile upper lip. The combination of the two makes it easier for them to grab and get foliage off thorny branches. Both tongue and lip, as well as the inside of their mouth, is covered in papillae that protects them from becoming damaged by the sharp acacia thorns.


When drinking, a giraffe is at its most vulnerable and will not drink until it deems it safe. It is most often done when in larger groups or with other vigilant species close by. To drink it will have to move into an awkward position, with both front legs spread out to wide as it lowers its head and neck to reach the water. Special valves in the jugular veins of the neck keep too much blood from getting to its head when drinking.

Social behavior & reproduction

Giraffes live social lives in groups with no set structure. You get female groups with young, male groups and mixed groups. The dynamic of a group might change at any time, with individuals from either sex joining or dispersing. Males tend to become less social as they get older. The older males are typically more dominant and will mate with the most females.


After a gestation period of 400-600 days a single calf will be born. Twins are very rare, but it does happen. A newborn is already 1.8 m (6 ft) tall. It is very vulnerable at this stage, but will learn to stand, walk, and even run, within hours with help from its mother.


Females with calves often group together for more protection. Sometimes females leave their young with another female for short periods while they forage and drink. This is called a “calving pool”. A mother will protect its calf fiercely and will try to kick any predators that come too close. The time calves stay with their mother varies, but sometimes they stay until the mother is ready for her next calf. A female giraffe will reach sexual maturity at four years, and males at four to five years. Average lifespan is 20-25 years in the wild, and up to 28 in captivity.


Here is a video of two southern giraffes mating, notice how much darker the male is.



Male giraffes fight over dominance and mating rights in something called necking. When doing this, they will swing their neck at their opponent with force, trying to inflict damage using their horns. A telltale sign between adult males and females is the presence or absence of hairs on top of the horns, as males lose their hair and go “bald” after continued fighting, whereas females do not. Fights between male giraffes can be quite violent, and individuals do sometimes come out of the fight severely injured. It can even end with death in some instances.


Here’s a video of a less severe fight between two younger males:



Giraffe is currently assessed as one species and is considered vulnerable by the IUCN Red List, and the southern giraffe is one of the least threatened. The southern giraffe is common in many protected areas, and it is increasing in numbers. This contrasts with most other giraffe species, which are declining in numbers. Giraffes have seen numbers dwindle across most of Africa because of habitat destruction and have become extinct in many areas. They are considered protected species throughout most of their current range.

Different giraffe species

Historically there were nine recognized subspecies of giraffe. After the recent split into four different species, most of these subspecies have been assigned to these species. One of the previous nine subspecies, the Rothchild’s giraffe (G. c. rothschildi), is now believed to be conspecific with the Nubian giraffe (G. c. camelopardalis). These are the four giraffe species:


Reticulated giraffe (Giraffa reticulata)

This giraffe is found in northern Kenya, southern Somalia, and Ethiopia. It is perhaps the most recognizably different species of giraffe. It has big polygonal reddish-brown patches separated by thin white lines. It is also called netted giraffe, as the pattern can resemble a net. It has no subspecies. It is decreasing in numbers, with 15,000 believed to remain. As a subspecies it is assessed as endangered.



Masai giraffe (Giraffa tippelskirchi)

This is an East African species of giraffe found in southern Kenya, throughout Tanzania and in the Luangwa Valley in Zambia. 35,400 mature individuals are believed to live in the wild. The coat is also easily distinguished from other giraffes. The blotches are jagged and irregular shaped, and smaller than blotches of other species. There are two subspecies:


Masai giraffe (G. t. tippelskirchi) is the most numerous subspecies, with about 35.000 individuals, and is found in Kenya and Tanzania. Numbers are declining and it is listed as endangered.


Thornicroft’s giraffe (G. t. thornicrofti) is only found in the Luanwga Valley in eastern Zambia. There are only about 400 individuals left. The population is stable, and it is listed as vulnerable.



Southern giraffe (Giraffa giraffa)

This is the southernmost giraffe species. It has large brown variously shaped blotches. It quite often has a bit darker tan coloration in the lighter areas compared to other species, but this highly variable. It is the most numerous species, with an estimated 54,000 individuals. This is the only species with an overall population increase. There are two subspecies:


South African giraffe (G. g. giraffa) is found in South Africa, as well as southern Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. 39,000 is believed to roam free in the wild. This subspecies is not assessed by IUCN, but it probably meets the criteria for an assessment of least concern.


Angolan giraffe (G. g. angolensis) is found in Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and has recently been reintroduced in Angola where it was extinct. There are over 10,000 individuals and it is increasing in numbers. It is listed as least concern by IUCN.



Northern giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)

This is the northernmost species of giraffe. It is only found in severely fragmented populations across the Sahel region, from Niger in the west to Ethiopia in the east. In coat and coloration, these giraffes are quite similar to the southern giraffe, but they are typically lighter in color and have pale to white legs and no spots beneath the knees. There are three subspecies:


Nubian giraffe (G. c. camelopardalis) is found in south-eastern South Sudan and south-western Ethiopia, and with the inclusion of the Rothchild’s giraffe, the range extends into Uganda and Kenya as well. The Nubian population is decreasing, and with less than 500 individuals remining it is listed as critically endangered. The Rothchild’s population is doing better and is increasing in numbers. There are 1,500 individuals and it is listed as near threatened. The status of the subspecies as a whole probably lies somewhere inbetween.


Kordofan giraffe (G. c. antiquorum) is found in Central Africa, with countries such as Cameroon, Chad, DR Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan housing the subspecies. It is decreasing in numbers, and only 1,400 mature individuals remain. It is listed as critically endangered.


West African giraffe (G. c. peralta) used to be found from Nigeria to Senegal but is now only found in Niger. It is the lightest in coloration of all subspecies. Just over 400 mature individuals remain in the wild. Numbers are now increasing and it is listed as vulnerable.



Here’s a map showing the distribution of all previously recognized giraffe subspecies (courtesy of Giraffe Conservation Foundation):

Click the markers on the map to see my observations of this species

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